Luther's Life
When my best friend Jamie came to visit me in Vienna over Christmas break, we took an incredible road trip throughout Germany, retracing the steps of one of the great heroes of the faith, Martin Muther. We got to see most of the places that he spent time, studied, lived, and taught. We went to his birthplace and place of his death, to Erfurt where he studied to become a monk, to Wartburg Castle where he translated the Bible into German, to Wittenberg where he lived most of his life as a monk, teacher and preacher, and where he nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the church. What in incredible life he lived, defending the truth of the gospel in the face of incredible persecution. If us Christians today had even a crumb of the same zeal and love for the gospel, our entire world would be turned upside-down.

Luther Stadt Wittenberg, and one of the thousands of books Luther wrote and translated

95 Theses door, and Luther's Statue in Wittenberg

Luther's birthplace, and his death house, were in the same town. The strange thing about it is that he only lived there as a baby! He was stopping there for a visit when he fell ill and died.

Main street of Wittenberg, and sign for Luther's place in Eisenstadt

Die Wartburg, the castle where Luther hid from the catholic church and translated the Bible into German. This was his writing table in his room at the castle.

Portraits of Luther and his wife Catherine. Really big books in the Wartburg!

Me in the hallway of the Wartburg, and Jamie and I in front of the Cathedral in Erfurt, where Luther studied to become a monk.
This was an amazing trip, and I'm so glad we had the opportunity to do it!
Luther Stadt Wittenberg, and one of the thousands of books Luther wrote and translated
95 Theses door, and Luther's Statue in Wittenberg
Luther's birthplace, and his death house, were in the same town. The strange thing about it is that he only lived there as a baby! He was stopping there for a visit when he fell ill and died.

Main street of Wittenberg, and sign for Luther's place in Eisenstadt
Die Wartburg, the castle where Luther hid from the catholic church and translated the Bible into German. This was his writing table in his room at the castle.
Portraits of Luther and his wife Catherine. Really big books in the Wartburg!

Me in the hallway of the Wartburg, and Jamie and I in front of the Cathedral in Erfurt, where Luther studied to become a monk.
This was an amazing trip, and I'm so glad we had the opportunity to do it!