So when I found out that he had written a book, "On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness", I jumped at the opportunity to read it. His writing fits with his songs - witty and enjoyable, and filled with true struggles and triumphs. Now this second book in the Wingfeather Saga, "North or Be Eaten!", which was just released, continues along the same lines. His humor shows up on every page, with funny plays-on-words that somehow work together with the exciting, action-packed plot line and creative characters in his novels. I would highly recommend reading these books when you get a chance - they are totally worth it! I will happily lend you my copies it you like. :)
Below is a summary of the second book, as well as a little info on Andrew Peterson.
Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby thought they were normal children with normal lives and a normal past. But now they know they’re really the Lost Jewels of Anniera, heirs to a legendary kingdom across the sea, and suddenly everyone wants to kill them.
Their escape brings readers to the very brink of Fingap Falls, over the Stony Mountains, and across the Ice Prairies, while villains galore try to stop the Igibys permanently. Fearsome toothy cows and horned hounds return, along with new dangers: a mad man running a fork factory, a den of rockroaches, and majestic talking sea dragons.
Andrew Peterson’s lovable characters create what FantasyBookCritic.com says made Book One “one of the best fantasy novels in a very long time,” and Book Two contains even more thrills, exploring “themes universal in nature, ranging from the classic good versus evil, to the importance of family, and burdens of responsibility.”
Andrew Peterson is the author of On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, Book One in the Wingfeather Saga, and The Ballad of Matthew’s Begats. He’s also the critically-acclaimed singer-songwriter and recording artist of ten albums, including Resurrection Letters II. He and his wife, Jamie, live with their two sons and one daughter in a little house they call The Warren near Nashville, Tennessee. Visit his websites: www.andrew-peterson.com and www.rabbitroom.com
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