The Carpenter's Girl

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The end of the year is fast approaching! There are two weeks left of school, and things are crazy! Inn the past couple weeks, I feel like I've been going non-stop with all the things happening at school and in my personal life. I was in charge of the Spring Music Recital at VCS, which was at the beginning of May, and which I also played the violin in! Yup, I've been taking lessons as well as giving them this year, and it's been fun, if somewhat nerve-racking to play the violin in front of a roomful of people! I think I've finally learned how to play the violin without TOO much squeaking!

The Staff Appreciation Dinner was that same week, which is an evening put on by the school board for all the teachers and staff at VCS. It's a time to recognize those who have served at VCS for a long time, as well as those who are leaving at the end of the year. We also were blessed by RCE with a cruise down the Danube the week after that, and the theme of the cruise was Country Western! I thought, why not use this opportunity to dress up in my "cowboy" boots and hat? I won second place for best costume. ;) There was also a good amount of line dancing going on that evening too - it's surprising how well Austrians can dance to Country Music!

Just last night my roommate Elizabeth and I hosted 4 girls from the Moody Chorale, who sang with our High School Choir last night. It was great to spend time with them as they travel around Europe on their choir tour. Half the songs they sang last night were in the Judson Choir repertoire when I was in college - talk about deja vu! I also sang most of them when my choir was touring around Europe in 1998...weird. The Moody Chorale also going to Germany, Czech Republic, France, Switzerland, and Hungary.

My class has been busy, busy, busy over the past few weeks! We just finished units on Plants and Ancient Greece, and have begun units on China and Insects. They are really enjoying these units. We also started a unit on Fairy Tales, and have enjoyed reading some of the classic ones as well as fairy tales from other countries. It's definitely the end of the year though, and the natives are restless! At least there are only a few days left until summer! They're not the only ones excited about that, let me tell you!
I have to share one really cool thing that happened a couple weeks ago. Some high schoolers from VCS went on a missions trip to Romania, to serve at a women's and children's care home there. They held a drive beforehand to collect clothes, toys, and money for the home. And one of my girls brought in 20 Euros - of her own money - to give to the drive!!! I asked her if she was sure, and she said, "Yes, this what I want to use my money for. I want to help the kids in Romania who don't have much." How humbled I was! Her heart is so full of love and concern for others, and how often do I only focus on myself? It is one of those great mysteries that God uses the wisdom and faith of children to teach us distracted and desensitized adults.

If you think of it, keep my student Damien in your prayers. His family is going through some hard times, and he's been struggling with lots of fears. He claims to know Jesus as his Savior, so please pray that he will learn to trust in God through this time. Also pray that God will give me wisdom in how to help and support him and his family the best.



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