The Carpenter's Girl

Monday, July 30, 2007

My brother is hitched!

Well, it's little brother is married! This past Saturday Seth married Laura Black, whom he has been dating since last June. Both Seth and I have known Laura for many years, as an acquaintance through Bible quizzing that we were involved with during middle school and high school. Since I was in Vienna throughout their dating relationship and engagement, I was very thankful to know her at least a little bit, instead of having my brother engaged to someone I had never met! It's been such a blessing to be home for the past month, and to have the opportunity to be involved in some of the wedding plans and get to know Laura a little better. I can now officially say that I have a sister now - a nice addition to my two brothers! They are currently on their honeymoon in Montreal, but they are returning before I leave for Vienna, thankfully. I look forward to watching them grow together, in their relationship with each other and in their relationship with their Father in Heaven. I know that God will do great things through them.

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