Austria in Spring!

On the first warm day of Spring, I went walking around the center of the city, enjoying the beautiful weather, and watching all the Viennese people out on their bikes, scooters, rollerblades, and feet. It was like they had spilled out from every nook and cranny in the city after the cold winter, to enjoy the coming of Spring. When I reached the Rathaus (Town Hall), my favorite building in Vienna, the courtyard was filled with a Spring Festival. Everyone was out in their traditional Austrian garb (liederhosen and durndles)! This group is playing traditional tunes on Austrian instruments, and there were booths set up everywhere selling travel brochures, beer, sandwiches, etc. They even had a stage set up, surrounded by bales of hay, where a group performed Austrian folkdances for a couple hours straight! And all of this was happening in the middle of Vienna. I love this city!
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